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install nokogiri and libxml on ubuntu

Posted by javier ramirez on May 28, 2009

a quick one..

the scenario:
you want to install nokogiri on ubuntu but you cannot get the gem to install because of unmet dependencies

the solution:

sudo apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
sudo gem install nokogiri

the end

14 Responses to “install nokogiri and libxml on ubuntu”

  1. ecleel said


    You solve my nokogiri install problem

  2. sweet thanks!

  3. Soro said

    Didn’t work for me, but the apt-get part was really important.

    On Ubuntu 9.10:
    sudo gem install nokogiri -- --with-xml2-include=/usr/local/include/libxml2 --with-xml2-lib=/usr/local/lib

  4. matt said

    Thanks for posting this. I also needed to:

    sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev

  5. alex said

    thanks !

    thant solved my nokogiri not installing problem on Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 :)

  6. sara John said

    Thanks this helped a lot.

  7. Lucas Prim said

    This post always saves me when i come back from a fresh ubuntu installation! thanks a lot!

  8. kaushik said

    Thanks dude it saved my time….

  9. mydeen said

    Thanks a lot dude. Valuable help…

  10. Thanks a lot ! You saved me a couple of hours ;)

  11. Danke schön! (Thank you very much) from Germany

  12. r00t said

    Thank you, man! You helped me to save my time))

  13. ljparra said

    It works for me on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, THANK YOU !!!

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