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SEO for developers

Posted by javier ramirez on March 10, 2010

As a web developer, my work involves much more than just coding; many times I find myself covering topics such as user experience, scalability, reliability of the system, or metrics and analytics to track the acceptance of a site.

SEO is left many times on the hands of the marketing team, but there are many technical aspects that are important in order to make a site appealing both for visitors and searchbots. Since web technologies (and search engines) evolve quickly, if you want to have a good site you need to keep posted about the latest developments. Sadly, there are a lots of materials based on outdated information and there are many myths and legends around the topic

I have been following closely the status of web crawling and indexing for some years, and we have been applying with success many of the practices I’ve learned to improve the sites of some clients. None of these practices involved links from external sites or bought traffic, just a better structure and changes of the contents and the sites’ internals.

Since we want to follow these practices in all the projects we are taking, I decided to prepare an internal training session for the ASPgems’ development team.

Here are the slides for my presentation. Even if they are not as good without the explanation (sorry, no video this time), I hope you’ll find them useful. UPDATE: video -in Spanish- has been uploaded to the media page of my blog.

This material is published under a Creative Commons NonCommercial-Attribution-ShareAlike license 2.5

If you find it interesting or if you are going to use it for any purposes, I’d appreciate an e-mail to

10 Responses to “SEO for developers”

  1. opinador said

    y un video del evento?

  2. Dareen said

    Me temo que no hay video. La idea era que sí, pero la cámara decidió estropearse la tarde de antes y no pudo ser. Además ya sabes que no es lo mismo ver el video que estar en el concierto ;)

  3. […] En todos los proyectos hay que tener en cuenta que tu sitio también va a ser visitado por los buscadores. De hecho lo tenemos siempre muy en cuenta, como bien explica Javier Ramirez hablando de SEO para desarrolladores. […]

  4. This is a great post.thank you for sharing this informative post

  5. The slides simply dictates what are the most important things in SEO. Was able to download it and post it on my desktop for me to read every time. Thanks.

  6. Brian said

    muy interesante esto me vine de maravilla para posicionar mi proyecto de diseño y desarrollo de paginas y sitios web y tambien aplicaciones para moviles, muchas gracias !

  7. Business Consultant said

    Hola. Antes que nada gracias por el post.
    Tengo una pregunta.
    ¿Que herramienta gratuita de linkbuilding me recomendarías.?
    Gracias de nuevo y saludos,

    Miguel Angel

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